Notes from Cassandra Day Atlanta 2016


I attended the DataStax Cassandra 2016 in Atlanta and took down a ton of notes on things that I found interesting. After going through those notes it occurred to me that many of the nuggets in these notes could be useful to someone else other than myself. So I’ve published the notes below.

The information below is mostly composed of quotes from DataStax engineers and evangelists. Very little context is contained in these notes. However, if you are a beginning-intermediate level Cassandra developer or admin you’ll likely have the needed context already. I did attempt to organize the notes somewhat coherently in order to allow you jump to a section you care about and also to provide some context in the grouping.

Data Modeling Tips


  • When migrating to C*, don’t just port over your SQL schema. Be query-driven in the design of your schema.
  • If you are planning on using Spark with C*, start with a C* use case / data model 1st and then use Spark on top of it for analytics
  • Patrick McFadden (DataStax evangelist) on not having certain relational DB constructs in C*: “In the past I’ve scaled SQL DBs by removing referential integrity, indexes and denormalizing. I’ve even built a KV database on an Oracle DB that I was paying of dollars per core for”. The implication here is these constructs bound scalability in relational databases and in explicitly not having them Cassandra’s scalability is unbounded (well, at least theoretically).
  • You can stop partition hotspots by adding an additional column to the partition key (like getting the modulus of another column when divided by the number of nodes) or by increasing the resolution of the key in the case where the partition key is a time span.
  • Using the “IF NOT EXISTS” clause stops an UPSERT from happening automatically / by-default. It also creates a lock on the record while executing, so that multiple writers don’t step on each other trying to insert the same record in a race condition. This is a light weight transaction (LWT). You can also create an LWT when doing a BATCH UPSERT
  • You can set a default TTL (Time To Live) on an individual table. This will apply to all data inserted into the table. A CQL insert can also specify a TTL for the inserted data that overrides the default.
  • DTCS (DateTieredCompactionStrategy) compaction is built for time series data. It groups SSTables together by time so that older tables don’t get compacted and can be efficiently dropped if a TTL is set.
  • CQL Maps allow you to create complex types inside your data store
  • One of the reasons for limiting the size of elements that can be in a CQL collection is because on reads the entire collection must be denormalized as a whole in the JVM so you can add a lot of data to the heap.

Secondary indexes

  • Secondary indexes are not like you have them in relational DBs. They are not built for speed, they are built for access.
  • Secondary indexes get slower the more nodes you have (because of network latencies)
  • Best thing to do with a secondary index is just to test it out and see its performance, but do it on a cluster not your laptop so you can actually see how it would perform in prod. Secondary indexes are good for low cardinality data.

Development Tips


  • Use the datastax drivers not ODBC drivers because datastax drivers are token aware and therefore can send queries to the right node, removing the need for the coordinator to make excessive network requests depending on the consistency level.
  • Use PreparedStatements for repeated queries. The performance difference is significant.
  • Use ExecuteAsync with PreparedStatements when bulk loading. You can have callbacks on Future objects and use the callbacks for things like detecting a failure and responding appropriately
  • BATCH is not a performance optimization. It leads to garbage collection and hotspots because the data stays in memory on the coordinator.
  • Use BATCH only to update multiple tables at once atomically. An example is if you have a materialized view / inverted index table that needs to be kept in sync with the main table.


  • Updates on collections create range tombstones to mark the old version of the collection (map, set, list) as deleted & create the new one. This is important to know because tombstones affect read performance and at a certain time having too many tombstones (100K) can cause a read to fail.
  • Cassandra triggers should be used with care and only in specific use cases because you need to consider the distributed nature of C*.

Ops Tips

Replication Settings

  • SimpleStrategy fails if you have multiple datacenters (DCs). Because 50% of your traffic that’s going to the other DC becomes terribly slow. Use NetworkTopologyStrategy instead. You can configure how replication goes to each DC individually, so you can have a table that never gets replicated to the US for example, etc.
  • If you are using the NetworkTopologyStrategy then you should use the Gossiping Property File Snitch to make C* network topology aware instead of the other property file configurator because you dan’t now have to change the file on every node and reboot them.

Hardware Sizing

Recommended Node size
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 8-12 Cores
  • 2 TB SSD
Hardware should be sized appropriately. 64 cores will be hard to use. If you are adding search and/or analytics to the node, you need more RAM: 128+ GB. More memory is needed for search because it keeps its indexes in memory.

Recommendation for Spark & Cassandra on the same node: Spark jobs run in their own process and therefore have their own heap that can be tuned and managed separately. Depending on how much performance you are trying to get out of C*, Cassandra should get its 32 GB of RAM as usual. Anything over should then go to Spark. So for example to get great performance you could have a 64 GB RAM system with 32 GB to C* and 32 GB to Spark. Same thing for cores. You should have 12-16 cores; 8-12 for C* and the rest for Spark. If vertical scaling starts to get too expensive you can alternatively add more nodes to meet performance expectations.

The recommendation is to have no more that 1 TB of data per node. The reason for 2 TB disk despite a 1 TB recommendation is because once over 60% of your disk is full you run a risk of not having enough disk space during compaction. This is especially true if you are using size tiered compaction. With level tiered compaction you can use up to 70% without risk.

Use RAID 0 for your storage configuration. C* does replication for you. You can also use JBOD and C* can intelligently handle failures of some of the disks in your JBOD cluster.

Java Heap Size & Garbage Collection

  • As a general rule of thumb; start with defaults and then walk it up.
  • The ParNew/CMS GC works best with 8 GB
  • The G1GC can manage 20 GB of RAM (Note: Another engineer mentioned to me that 32 GB of RAM is no problem for G1GC). Should not be used if the heap is under 8 GB.
    • Use G1GC with Solr / DSE Search nodes

Memory Usage and Caching

  • Its very important to have ample Off-heap RAM. Some C* data structures such as memtables and bloom filters are Off-heap. You also want to have non-heap RAM for page caching.
  • Row caching can significantly speed up reads because if avoids a table scan (If the page isn’t cached already). However row caching should be judiciously used. Best use case is for tables with a high density of hotspot data. The reason being that on a large table with varying and disparate data and seemingly random reads, you’ll end up with a lot of cache misses which invalidates the point of having a cache.
  • The row cache is filled on reads. memtables are filled on writes.
  • Memtables remain in memory until there is memory pressure based on configuration in the cassandra.yaml, then they are removed from RAM.


  • Use the Cassandra Stress program that comes with C*.
  • Cassandra Stress can be configured; you can specify number of columns, data size, data model, queries, types of data, cardinality, etc.
  • To model production, use multiple clients & multiple threads for clients in your Benchmarking
  • When stress testing make sure you run it long enough to run into compactions, GC, repairs. Because when you test you want to know what happens in that situation. You can even stress test and introduce failures and see how it responds. You can/should instrument the JVM during stress testing and then go back and look at it.
  • General recommended stress test times is 24 - 48 hrs run times.
  • DSE has solr-stress for testing the solr integration.
For Performance A starting expectation of 3k - 5k transactions per second per core is reasonable.

Interesting Note: A DataStax customer once conducted a stress test that ran for 6-8 weeks for 24 hrs. They were testing to see how changing the compaction strategy impacted their read heavy workload.


  • Turn on user authentication. At least Basic Auth. This is good for security and auditing purposes. Also it allows you to not accidentally drop a production table because you thought you were connected to staging.
  • Use TLS if you are talking between DCs across the public internet
  • Don’t just bump up the heap for greater performance or to solve your problems! You’ll have to pay for it later during GC.
  • If you have crappy latency on 1% of your operations you shouldn’t just ignore it. You should try to understand what happened, is it compaction? Is it GC? That way you can address the issue that caused the high latency. Because that 1% could one day be 5%.
  • Why should be have backups? Backups exist to protect against people not machines. data corruption is the primary reason for backups. For example someone accidentally changes all the '1’s in your DB to 'c’s.
  • There is no built in way to count the number of rows in a Cassandra table. The only way to do so is to write a Spark job. You can estimate the table size if you know the amount of data per row and divide the table size by that amount.
  • Use ntpd! C* nodes in a cluster must always be on time because time stamps are important and are used in resolving conflict. Clock drifts cannot be tolerated.
  • Tombstone Hell: queries on partitions with a lot of tombstones require a lot of filtering which can cause performance problems. Compaction gets rid of tombstones.
  • Turn off swap on C* nodes.
  • If C* runs out of memory it just dies. But that’s perfectly ok, because the data is distributed / replicated and you can just bring it back up. In the mean time data will be read from the other nodes.

Cluster Management

  • Don’t put a load balancer in front of your C* cluster.
  • Make sure you are running repairs. Repairs are essentially network defrag and help maintain consistency. Run repairs a little at a time, all the time.
  • If you can model your data to have TTLs you can run repairs much less or not at all.
  • If you never delete your data you can set gc_grace_period to 0.
  • Don’t upgrade your C* versions by replacing an outgoing node with a new node running a newer version of C*. C* is very sensitive when it comes to running mixed versions in production. The older nodes may not be able to stream data to the newer node. Instead you should do an in-place upgrade, i.e. shut down the node (the C* service), upgrade C* and then bring it back up. (
  • When a new node is added in order to increase storage capacity / relieve storage pressure on the existing nodes. Ensure you run nodetool cleanup as the final step. This is because C* won’t automatically reclaim the space of the data streamed out to the new node.

Monitoring, Diagnostic

Monitoring Services for capturing machine level metrics
  • Monit
  • Munin
  • Icinga
  • JMX Metrics
Make sure you are capturing application metrics and deliver them to a dashboard that can integrate app metrics and server metrics

Since you are running on multiple machines it becomes important to aggregate your logs.
  • Logstash
Diagnostic tools
  • htop (a better version of top)
  • iostat
  • dstat
  • strace
  • jstack
  • tcpdump (monitor network traffic, can even see plain text queried coming in)
  • nodetool tpstats (can help diagnose performance problems by showing you which thread pools are overwhelmed / blocked. From there you can make hypotheses are to the cause of the blockage / performance problem)

DSE Offering

DSE Max => Cassandra + Support + Solr + Spark

DSE search

  • Solr fixes a couple of rough edges for C* like joins, ad-hoc querying, fuzzy text searching and secondary indexing problems in larger clusters.
  • DSE search has tight Solr integration with C*. C* stores the data, Solr stores the indexes. CQL searches that use the solr_query expression in the WHERE clause search Solr first for the location of the data to fetch and then queries C* for the actual data.
  • You can checkout killrvideo’s Github for an example of DSE search in action (
  • Solr is about a 3x multiplication on CPU and RAM needed for a running regular C*. This is because Solr indexes must live in RAM.
  • Solr can do geospatial searches & can do arbitrary time range searches (which is another rough edge that C* cannot do). E.g. “search for all sales in the past 4 mins 30 seconds”

DSE Spark

  • Spark runs over distributed data stores and schedules analytics jobs on workers on those nodes. DSE Max has Spark integration that just requires the flipping of a switch, no additional config.
  • There’s no need for definition files, workers automatically have access to the tables and Spark is data locality aware so jobs go to the right node.
  • Optionally with DSE search integration you can have search running on the same nodes that have the analytics and data and leverage the search indexes for faster querying instead of doing table scans.
  • With DSE analytics, you can create an analytics DC and have 2-way replication between the operations DC and the analytics DC. 2 way is important because it means that the analytics DC can store the result of its computation to the Cassandra table which then gets replicated back to the ops DC.
  • The Spark jobs / workers have access to more than just the C* table data. They can do just about anything you code. They can pull data from anything; open files, read queues, JDBC data stores, HDFS, etc. And write data back out as well.
  • Recommendation for Spark & Cassandra on the same node. Appropriate resource allocation is important. Having Spark will require more memory. Spark jobs run in their own process and therefore have their own heap that can be tuned and managed separately. Depending on how much performance you are trying to get out of C*, Cassandra should get its 32 GB of RAM as usual. Anything over should then go to Spark. So for example to get great performance you could have a 64 GB RAM system with 32 GB to C* and 32 GB to Spark. Same thing for cores. You should have 12-16 cores; 8-12 for C* and the rest for Spark. If vertical scaling starts to get too expensive you can alternatively add more nodes to meet performance expectations.

Other Notes

Cassandra has a reference implementation called killrvideo. It is an actual website hosted on MS Azure. The address is It is written by Luke Tillman in C#. Checkout the source code on Github (

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